
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

At the Movies

I came home recently and my brother Matthew said, "Have you seen Wolf Creek?" To which I responded I hadn't, but was about to say that I thought it looked interesting and I was thinking of it when he said "because we just saw a review by Ebert and Roeper that says 'if anyone you know says they want to see it: don't know that person.'" Oh dear. Things haven't been tense in the house since I admitted I'd been considering this movie. Wanting isn't the same as doing, after all. Matthew did look at me askance when I said I thought the preview looked neat. But I mean, really, sometimes you need to see these movies and it doesn't make you a bad person.


Remember when Seven came out? I was in my first year of university and we all went as a group to see it. I was sitting next to a guy we called Grimsby and he was VERY excited to see this movie. I spent a certain amount of the movie with my face buried in his flanel covered arm while he poo-pooed me for being "such a girl." After watching that movie I vowed never to see another horror movie. I didn't see what the point was of making these movies. More than that, I couldn't understand what sort of person could plan and write this story, obtain funding, and then see the project through to completion. I would only watch critically aclaimed, well-respected, or at least benign fare.

That was until the Blair Witch Project.

I was so upset during the Blair Witch Project. It was all the things I was most scared of: being lost, in the woods, in the dark, being hunted....Glah. It still creeps me out just to think of it. I almost started to cry because I just wanted it to be over so I could stop being scared. Boyfriend of the time asked if I wanted to leave if I was so upset, but he just didn't understand. If I didn't watch the end of the movie it wouldn't be over and then the Blair Witch would know and come and eat me. I had to sleep with my light on for a week after that and vowed never to watch anything but Disney movies from then on.

And now Wolf Creek. Ebert's review is pretty scathing. He really hated this movie and shows little to no respect for anyone who would want to see it. I still don't know a lot about the movie, just that some people go backpacking in the Outback and bad things happen to them. Bummer.

I guess no one really needs to see a movie where a bunch of sexy teens are eviscerated by a vermin-shootin' maniac. My imagination likely draws a more graphic portrait of what happens to them anyway....Matthew please don't shun me!

Val used to work at a drug store in Mississauga and there was this one woman he worked with who said she took her kids to see Seven. Both kids were under ten. She said she really liked the movie, but that her kids "were scared shitless."

OMG! I just had an epiphany, we need to not support or watch these movies because of mouth-breathers like that woman who obviously don't have enough sense to keep their children from watching the "sloth sin." Hronk.

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